Wed, 24 September 2014
Focus: With so many needs, we can become compassion weary. The volume of sorrow can lead us to put a filter on our hearts. We feel bad, but do nothing. We sympathize, yet don’t bring true relief. Jesus is more than someone we can turn to for sympathy when we need someone to understand. He is aware of our deepest need before we can even name it. He cares by taking our suffering upon Himself. He actually joins us in our pain and shares the experience. Jesus goes beyond simply feeling bad for us. Followers of Jesus have the distinct advantage of following a leader who is ALWAYS COMPASSIONATE! As we follow Him we learn what it means to be humane, kindhearted, forbearing, merciful, tenderhearted, moved to action. Main Text: Matthew 9:35-38 |
Tue, 16 September 2014
Focus: It is utterly impossible for us to do anything without some element of self-focus. We rarely do something without any thought of how it will affect us. As a result, we often resist the leadership of God. Jesus faithfully followed the will of His Father. He emptied Himself and became obedient-to death. He was devoted to others. And because of this God raised Him to the place of highest honor and glory. Followers of Jesus have the distinct advantage of following a leader who is ALWAYS SELFLESS! As we follow Him we learn what it means to be other-centered, secure, humble, generous, consistent. Main Text: Matthew 20:25-28; John 12:24-25 |
Fri, 12 September 2014
Focus: So much of what we do or choose to not do revolves around our perception of how others will see us. As a result, we often put on masks. “The real me might get rejected,” we think. Jesus knew who He was. He understood the mission. He wasn’t concerned with how people would receive him. This freed Him to be the most genuine leader of all time. Followers of Jesus have the distinct advantage of following a leader who is ALWAYS GENUINE! As we follow Him we learn what it means to be authentic, real, vulnerable, true, consistent. Main Text: Matthew 9:9-13 |
Fri, 5 September 2014
Focus: There are some moments in life when we’re detached. We’re physically present, but for one reason or another, we’re really somewhere else. Followers of Jesus have the distinct advantage of following a leader who is ALWAYS ENGAGED! As we follow Him we learn what it means to be fully present, in the moment, attentive, interested, devoted, focused.Main Text: Matthew 26:36-46