Thu, 7 December 2017
Focus: Neither Jesus, the 12 nor Paul tried to argue people into faith. They told the truth, and let people see the power of God at work. When John the Baptist asked if Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus sent his followers back to tell him about the signs and wonders they had seen that confirmed scripture. People follow signs. The Shepherds and Wisemen followed signs. In this Advent season, as we follow the signs to the manger, to find God in the flesh, may the power of God at work in our lives be a sign that others see and follow to Jesus. Main Text: Romans 15:14-22 |
Thu, 7 December 2017
Focus: Living to please others, considerate of their convictions, in complete harmony together is fitting for followers of Jesus Christ. WWJD? What an amazing gift we get to share as we accept others just as He has accepted us! We praise Him together with one voice, and overflow with God’s mercy, joy, peace, and confident hope. Today we pray that it continue here, and that we remain the overflowing people He has made us. Main Text: Romans 15:1-13 |
Thu, 7 December 2017
Focus: “I’m sorry if you took offense to that” has become acceptable as an apology in society today. In apologising this way, one really says, I didn’t do anything wrong, but if you took it the wrong way, well, I’ll apologise for what you did, if it will make you feel better. God says that this attitude is destructive to unity and has no place in His church. We are called to remain in harmony together, and to try to build each other up.. Main Text: Romans 14:19-23 |
Thu, 9 November 2017
Focus: The Jesus Life is a re-consecrated life. The re-consecrated life is an honoring life. All of our life is lived in honor of Jesus. The point isn’t how we live this out, what commitment we make, how we make it. Every re-consecration today will be as unique as the person who is making it. There is freedom in this. The point is that whatever we do, we do it to the honor of Jesus. It is not made for any other reason. Main Text: Romans 14:1-8 |
Thu, 9 November 2017
Focus: The Jesus Life is a re-consecrated life. The re-consecrated life is a practicing life. WE don’t just pretend the Jesus Life. We actually live it. We do more than believe. We participate. We do more than care. We help. Just imagine how our lives, our neighborhoods, our regions would be different IF we, with God’s help would re-consecrate our lives as practicing lives in the way Paul encourages us in Romans 12:9-21! Main Text: Romans 12:9-21 |
Mon, 6 November 2017
Focus: The Jesus Life is a re-consecrated life. The re-consecrated life is a gifting life. Every Jesus-follower has already been given “gifts”, special talents and skills set apart to be exercised not independently of others, but in harmony with others. What is YOUR gifting? And, how can that gifting be set apart and re-committed to the Kingdom purposes of Jesus? Main Text: Romans 12:3-8 |
Mon, 6 November 2017
Focus: God has brought us together, accepted and forgiven us. Christ is the judge, not us, and not only the judge of others, He is our judge. Instead of putting things in the way for others to trip over, we are called today to keep the path clear, to remain considerate of others and their convictions, so that our actions never threaten the unity we have in Christ. Main Text: Romans 14:9-18 |
Fri, 29 September 2017
Focus: The Jesus life is a re-consecrated life. The re-consecrated life is a thinking life. It makes sense that you would, therefore, “let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” So, how do we LET GOD? And, how does GOD transform the way you think? Main Text: Romans 12:1-2 |
Mon, 25 September 2017
Focus: We have been Refined, Redeemed, Released, and Reinforced as part of our Re-Formation as His people. And now we see our full REALIGNMENT to Him. The truth is that we (along with all things) are from Him, by Him, and for Him. To him be glory forever. Amen. Main Text: Romans 11:33-36 |
Mon, 25 September 2017
Focus: God works for good in all things, even disobedience. Wrapping up the section of questions about Israel Paul gives us the 30,000 foot view and REALIGNS us again to our amazing God and His plan. God not only shows mercy to the disobedient, but His mercy multiplies! God has made sure that He may have mercy on all. Main Text: Romans 11:25-32 |
Thu, 7 September 2017
Focus: When Jesus was born it was Israel or bust. All others were outside. As Paul lived, he saw so many Jews stumbling over Jesus, even fighting against God’s gift of righteousness, cut off from the vine. But Paul REALIGNS us to God’s truth, stumbling doesn’t mean they are beyond God’s reach. God has already demonstrated that no one is beyond His reach. Who do you know that you don’t think God will reach? Our hope and trust is in Him alone. Main Text: Romans 11:11-24 |
Wed, 6 September 2017
Focus: As Paul’s heart breaks for his fellow Jews, he continues to REALIGN us to God’s faithfulness in His promise. Even though Israel often rejected God’s prophets, He didn’t go back on His promise. Even though Israel continued to seek righteousness by their works and sacrifices, He has maintained a remnant, chosen by grace. He has not, and will never reject His people, the elect. God will never reject you. Main Text: Romans 11:1-10 |
Mon, 21 August 2017
Focus: It is in hearing about Jesus and what God has done through Him that people believe. Why didn’t it work for Israel? Is there a problem with God’s plan to share His Word through people? No! God has always held His hands out to even a disobedient and contrary people. Dear God, thank you for working faith in the hearts of many who have heard, and for sending all of us to share the Good News about Jesus with others. Show me today how you want me to share the Gospel. Main Text: Romans 10:5-21 |
Fri, 18 August 2017
Focus: As we focus on living, we can begin to imagine that we see rightness in action and understanding. The natural extension, then, is that rightness with God (righteousness) is dependent on action, and our set-apartness is based on our action and worthiness. This is the stumbling block, for Israel, and still for so many of us today. As God REALIGNS us to trust Him, will we submit and hold tightly to Him, or will we hold tightly to a righteousness that we have established? Main Text: Romans 9:30-10:4 |
Mon, 31 July 2017
Focus: As part of our Re-Formation, we need to be Re-Aligned to God’s truth. Even after being Reinforced beyond reasonable doubt, the Devil will continue to appeal to our human logic and emotion to erode our confidence and to steal our peace and joy. So, on the heels of the promise that nothing could ever separate us, the Devil asks, “Really? Well, what about the Israelites, God’s chosen people, the children of the promise? How did it work out for them?” Main Text: Romans 9:1-13 |
Sun, 23 July 2017
Focus: We have eternity to look forward to, the Spirit of God as our strength, God working for good in all things, God on our side willing to do anything, and a declaration of “sin-free” from the Judge as we are in Christ. Christ has already gained total victory for us. AND it is impossible for anything else to separate us from Him! Truly, in our Re-Formation, our Reinforcement comes with more than a lifetime guarantee, we have an eternal guarantee! Main Text: Romans 8:35-39 |
Sun, 16 July 2017
Focus: Who would dare accuse you in front of the Judge, who gave his own Son to stand in your place? He already heard the case, Jesus already paid the price, the case is closed. The judge has declared you free from sin. Any further accusations would be a challenge to the Judge’s authority and a personal insult to the Judge and His Son. Main Text: Romans 8:33-34 |
Thu, 13 July 2017
Focus: Have you ever had a Goliath standing in your way? Something or someone insurmountable, threatening to take away all of your joy and hope? Maybe if you were young, you wished you had The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, or Wonder Woman backing you up? As an adult maybe you wished someone higher in your company was on your side. You, brothers and sisters of Christ, have God! What can stand in the way when God will do anything for us? Main Text: Romans 8:31-32 |
Mon, 3 July 2017
Focus: What if, even in the midst of difficulty, you knew that God was working for good? Imagine approaching every situation as an explorer, looking to see how God might be using it for good. Main Text: Romans 8:28-30 |
Sat, 1 July 2017
Focus: Creation groans with us in our weakness and we groan waiting eagerly for the redemption of our bodies. The Spirit also groans alongside of us, but not out of His weakness or in futility. The Spirit carries our burden with us, and even brings words on our behalf before the Father. We might not know what to pray for, or how to pray, but the Spirit speaks for us, on our behalf. What could be stronger that God’s own Spirit speaking to Him, on our behalf? Main Text: Romans 8:26-27 |
Thu, 22 June 2017
Focus: The life we have been freed to live is not all rainbows and unicorns. We suffer the effects of sin, including frailty, sickness, and pain. We suffer with Christ in a sinful world that hates the light. In fact, at times we can gauge how much we have acquiesced to worldly ways by how comfortable we feel here and now. Though rainbows remind us of God’s promise, even they come in the midst of rain. But it is here, in suffering, that we are also reminded of how things should be, and we know that when Jesus comes again, they will. There will be no more suffering. Main Text: Romans 8:18-25 |
Fri, 16 June 2017
Focus: It’s so easy to get entangled with sin. One thing leads to another and pretty soon we might feel like we have no choice. But, when you were baptized, you were released from your slavery to sin. The Spirit you have been given is not one that is shackled, like you were to sin, but one that is hand in hand with the Father. Main Text: Romans 8:14-17 |
Wed, 7 June 2017
Focus: When was the last time you saw something you wanted and decided, “I owe it to myself.”? The flesh no longer has any claim on you, you have been released from your obligation to obey its impulses and desires. Say “No!” and live. Main Text: Romans 8:12-13 |
Thu, 1 June 2017
Focus: Because Christ justifies sinners, God’s life-giving Spirit dwells in you. He releases us from the bondage of sin and death. Those who are preoccupied with satisfying their selfish desires often become angry with God and rebel against Him. God promises release from this deadly cycle and brings life and peace. Father, by Your Spirit Of Life, direct our hearts to Christ, where true joys are found. Amen. Main Text: Romans 8:9-11 |
Thu, 25 May 2017
Focus: Sin dominates. Sin separates from God and has twisted all people inward on themselves, and even those around them. Sin can never look to God, or hope and trust in anything other than the self or other people, continuing the cycle. Born into sin, we are all dominated by death. Jesus releases us from the domination of sin and gives us the Holy Spirit, life, and peace. Main Text: Romans 8:5-8 |
Fri, 19 May 2017
Focus: God’s Law declares that all people are guilty of sin and deserve to die. However, sin was condemned once and for all as Jesus, who had no sin, bore all of our sin on the cross. Now God declares “Not guilty!” for those in Christ and we are released from condemnation. Main Text: Romans 8:1-4 |
Thu, 11 May 2017
Focus: Sustained by the Word, Dependent on Christ, Visible Reflection of Jesus, Missional Heartbeat of God. These are our lifeMarks, the marks of the life of a disciple. We are built up and challenged in each area because we have been sent into the world as disciples who make disciples. As we celebrate and review the Live Events of our Higher Ground Youth, we remember that we have been sent out with them to live Life in the Word, Life in the Cross, Life in Service, and Life on Mission. Main Text: Deut. 6:4-10; Luke 9:23-24; John 13:14-17; Matt. 28:18-20 |
Wed, 3 May 2017
Focus: Newsflash: Christians aren’t a bunch of perfect people. We aren’t people who think we are perfect, or even better than other people. The only difference is that we are forgiven, and the Spirit is at work within us. Even knowing and desiring what is right we can’t release ourselves from the internal battle. But our hope is not in ourselves, or even in the life the Spirit produces in us. Jesus is the one who will deliver us. Main Text: Romans 7:7-25 |
Wed, 26 April 2017
Focus: The Law does not and cannot bring victory over sin and death. The Law defines sin and by our sinful nature we are stimulated to break the law, which leads to death. Since we have died with Jesus, though, we are released from the power of the law. Unbound, we belong now to Jesus, so that we may bear fruit for God. Main Text: Romans 7:1-6 |
Thu, 20 April 2017
He is risen. He is risen, indeed! |
Thu, 13 April 2017
As we proclaim Jesus as the one through whom gives forgiveness, the one through whom gives freedom, the one who loves, and showed how much God loves us as He came here, victorious as a king, but humble as a servant, even to death on the cross, God is glorified. And as we live our lives, proclaiming His Kingship over every aspect, over every fear and worry, God is glorified. |
Fri, 7 April 2017
Focus: Slavery is a terrible thing. We were conceived as indentured servants to sin. However, in our baptism, we become believers in the redeeming Person of Jesus Christ. We now have a choice: hear and respond to the call of God and live in righteousness as directed by the Holy Spirit; or, listen and respond to the call of sin which leads to death. You have been delivered from sin by Jesus. So why choose death over life? After all, Jesus said:”I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Main Text: Romans 6:14-23 |
Thu, 30 March 2017
Focus: Humanity is mortal. We are closer to death today than we were yesterday and the appointed time will come whether we like it or not. However, those of us who have been baptized in Jesus Christ have already died. We have shared in His death on the Cross where He defeated sin and the devil once and for all time. This is the “Good Death” because those who have died in baptism have been declared righteous and stand justified from sin. If we are dead to sin why dwell in it? Resist it and live the Gospel life. Main Text: Romans 6:1-14 |
Wed, 22 March 2017
Focus: Adam and Jesus are two combatants locked in a life and death struggle. Adam’s disobedience results in sin and death for all. The Law only compounds Adam’s trespass by multiplying humanity’s guilt. Jesus is the “anti-Adam” and the antidote for the consequence of sin which is eternal separation from God. Christ always prevails over all the consequences of Adam! The reign of sin and death is overcome by the reign of grace and life. In Jesus, grace overflowed above and beyond sin and the victory is assured for those who receive His gifts by faith. We don’t deserve it but He earned it so live the Gospel life because you are His forever! Main Text: Romans 5:12-21 |
Fri, 17 March 2017
Focus: God’s timing is always perfect. He sent His Son Jesus to redeem sinners at just the right time. He sends trials into our lives at just the right time to draw us ever closer to Jesus and sustain us in the true faith. He declared us righteous through Jesus Christ at just the right time. He is a God who reaches out and takes the initiative to restore the relationship that was broken through no fault of His own. God is personal, seeking, caring, and forgiving. How do we know that? Because Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Main Text: Romans 5:1-11 |
Thu, 9 March 2017
Focus: When we finally reach the end of our refining, what remains is only God’s work. It is only by the faith (Sola Fide) that He works that we are counted as righteous. It doesn’t even depend on the strength of our faith or the actions that come from our faith. As forgiven sinners, only the fruit of our faith remains. Dear God, forgive me for doubting and strengthen my faith in You. Main Text Romans 4:13-25 |
Wed, 1 March 2017
Focus: There are many underlying assumptions that we use to help us quickly process the world around us. The carpet is covering solid floor, not a hole. When I walk outside I will be breathing air. Carpet isn’t what makes a floor safe to trust. Circumcision isn’t what was counted as righteousness, and being a child of Abraham was not about genetics, but about faith. Dear God, show me where my assumptions have led me to trust in a sign of you, rather than in You. Main Text: Romans 4:1-12 |
Wed, 22 February 2017
Focus: As we are refined, over and over, we find that we never can produce our own righteousness, nor can we earn or influence the righteousness God freely gives. Righteousness comes by grace alone (Sola Gratia) through faith in Christ Jesus. It is not at all about us. There is nothing left for us to boast about unless it is God’s gift to all. Dear God, melt away my pride, my self-reliance, my ego, and fill me up with your glory. Main Text: Romans 3:21-31 |
Wed, 15 February 2017
Focus: No matter who you are, you’re no better off than anyone else. No one is pure, no, not one. We are all in the same boat. Everyone needs Jesus’ righteousness, and the rest needs to be melted away. Dear God, show me my arrogance, where I look past or over other people, and replace it with your humility.” Main Text: Romans 3:9-20 |
Fri, 10 February 2017
Focus: As we are Refined, impurities separate and can be removed from our lives. We rationalize our behavior all the time. “It’s unreasonable to expect...” “The church leaders don’t even do that.” “My neighbors would think I’m a weirdo.” “They got to see grace, so the good must outweigh the bad.” Dear God, help me to stop making excuses, show me where I have ignored your Word, or rationalized my actions.Main Text: Romans 3:1-8 |
Tue, 31 January 2017
Focus: We might talk a good game, maybe even put on a good show from time to time, but it’s only gold plating. We might even convince ourselves, but other people can probably still see through, and more importantly, we can’t measure up. Dear God, help me to stop the act. I need a heart change. Main Text: Romans 2:17-29 |
Fri, 27 January 2017
Focus: As we are Refined, impurities separate and can be removed from our lives. It’s easy to point to impurity in other people. But by that very same measurement we are impure. 24K or 99.9% isn’t good enough to be called pure. Dear God, help me to stop pointing fingers, and free me from trying to be “good enough.” Main Text: Romans 2:1-16 |
Tue, 17 January 2017
Focus: As we are Refined, impurities separate and can be removed from our lives. What has become an idol for you, or for us as a church? Where is your hope and trust? Wherever our hope and trust is not entirely in God we find ourselves serving the created, instead of the Creator. Dear God, show me where the idols are in my life, and help me let go as you melt them away. Main Text: Romans 1:18-32 |
Fri, 13 January 2017
In 2017 we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Luther saw in Romans that it is faith the righteous live by, not by good works, and thus began his evaluation of the church according to this truth. As we begin our journey through this “case for faith” we will lean into Romans and see how God will Re-Form us. Text: Romans 1:1-17 |
Thu, 5 January 2017
A New Year 2017 |