Thu, 25 May 2017
Focus: Sin dominates. Sin separates from God and has twisted all people inward on themselves, and even those around them. Sin can never look to God, or hope and trust in anything other than the self or other people, continuing the cycle. Born into sin, we are all dominated by death. Jesus releases us from the domination of sin and gives us the Holy Spirit, life, and peace. Main Text: Romans 8:5-8 |
Fri, 19 May 2017
Focus: God’s Law declares that all people are guilty of sin and deserve to die. However, sin was condemned once and for all as Jesus, who had no sin, bore all of our sin on the cross. Now God declares “Not guilty!” for those in Christ and we are released from condemnation. Main Text: Romans 8:1-4 |
Thu, 11 May 2017
Focus: Sustained by the Word, Dependent on Christ, Visible Reflection of Jesus, Missional Heartbeat of God. These are our lifeMarks, the marks of the life of a disciple. We are built up and challenged in each area because we have been sent into the world as disciples who make disciples. As we celebrate and review the Live Events of our Higher Ground Youth, we remember that we have been sent out with them to live Life in the Word, Life in the Cross, Life in Service, and Life on Mission. Main Text: Deut. 6:4-10; Luke 9:23-24; John 13:14-17; Matt. 28:18-20 |
Wed, 3 May 2017
Focus: Newsflash: Christians aren’t a bunch of perfect people. We aren’t people who think we are perfect, or even better than other people. The only difference is that we are forgiven, and the Spirit is at work within us. Even knowing and desiring what is right we can’t release ourselves from the internal battle. But our hope is not in ourselves, or even in the life the Spirit produces in us. Jesus is the one who will deliver us. Main Text: Romans 7:7-25 |