Tue, 25 March 2014
Focus: The sum of all of the Law and Prophets (the Hebrew Scriptures) can be boiled down to just two things: 1) Love God above all. 2) Love your neighbor as yourself. You could even try to combine them into one command to love God so much that you also love what He loves. We’ve spent 10 weeks exploring Prayer, and now we begin to see how drawing close to God’s heart can affect what we love (Care). Read Text: Matthew 22:34-40 |
Tue, 18 March 2014
Focus: Jesus prayed so that Peter’s faith would not fail. Peter’s faith did not fail. Who among your circle of influence is being tested by Satan and needs victory in Jesus? What would it look like for you to pray for them? Text: Luke 22:31-38, 1 Peter 5:8 & 2 Peter 1:3 |
Thu, 13 March 2014
There is so much standing against us, so many forces that war against God, and His intentions for us. We need support from each other in order the STAND. Strength is built in community. Strength is built through the prayers of the Saints. Strength is built as followers of Jesus pray “all kinds” of prayers, “on all occasions”, “always”, and for “all the saints.” What would that kind of prayer support look like for you? …for your friends, family and neighbors? Text: Ephesians 6: 10-18 |
Wed, 5 March 2014
Access to Almighty God. An open invitation to come, to ask, to plead, for ourselves, and for those around us. Do we really believe that this is really real? “Where do you think God would like some of His power directed through your prayers today?” pg. 20 ,Be Jesus in Your Neighborhood Text: James 5:16-18 |