Tue, 25 November 2014
As we make our financial investment promise to each other and to the Lord, we do so recognizing what we have learned over these past few weeks. Lowest in the Kingdom Hierarchy is financial investment. In its proper perspective the gift of money can be a huge kingdom resource. How does your investment of financial capital reveal your understanding of its value position in Jesus’ Kingdom? Main Text: Genesis 26:12-31 |
Tue, 25 November 2014
Focus: Descending our Kingdom hierarchy, somewhere in the middle we consider today the time and energy we have to invest in people and projects. “It comprises the time we make available to as well as the capacity we have to use that time.” pg 48 “Oikonomics” We also consider the creative ideas and solutions we bring to the world. “Jesus was no slouch when it came to intelligence.” pg. 48 “Oikonomics” Nor are His followers. Let’s discover together how we can invest these gifts for the purposes of Jesus. Main Text: John 15:1-8; Mt. 22:23-33 |
Fri, 14 November 2014
Focus: Descending our Kingdom hierarchy, somewhere in the middle we consider today the time and energy we have to invest in people and projects. “It comprises the time we make available to as well as the capacity we have to use that time.” pg 48 “Oikonomics” We also consider the creative ideas and solutions we bring to the world. “Jesus was no slouch when it came to intelligence.” pg. 48 “Oikonomics” Nor are His followers. Let’s discover together how we can invest these gifts for the purposes of Jesus. Main Text: John 15:1-8; Mt. 22:23-33 |
Fri, 7 November 2014
Focus:"Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends." -Jesus Have you ever considered that Jesus had an investment strategy? What’s yours? How do you think your investment strategy compares to Jesus’? Text: Luke 16:1-13 |