Thu, 31 July 2014
Is there any benefit to knowing God? How have those benefits satisfied YOUR deepest longings? Don’t forget, the benefits of being connected to life in Jesus…they might just satisfy someone else! Main Text: Psalm 103:1-5 Resource:“Be Jesus In Your Neighborhood” Week 27 |
Thu, 24 July 2014
Focus: Undone; holes in our souls that we are powerless to fill. When we place all of our flaws out on the table and join them together with the flaws of our neighbors and friends we discover what we all hold in common. We are all the same. We all have the same basic need. Text: Romans 5:1-11 Resource: “Be Jesus In Your Neighborhood” Week 26 |
Fri, 18 July 2014
The fact that God is attentive to prayers prayed in faith should build anticipation. How will God answer? How will God show up? How will He choose to use me? Text: 1 Peter 3:12a Resource: “Be Jesus In Your Neighborhood” Week 25 |
Thu, 10 July 2014
Focus: God knows everything about you, there are no secrets hidden from Him. The same holds true for your neighbor. He knows every detail of every life. God has zeroed in on us. We are in his plans, his dreams, and his desires. God wants the same personal intimate relationship with your neighbor that he has with you. Do you wake up every morning excited that you’re part of that big picture? Main Text: Psalm 139: 1-3 |
Thu, 3 July 2014
Focus: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” We hear it all the time. It may sound a bit different, yet the meaning is still the same as if spoken by Cain today. Jesus commanded his followers to love one another as He loved us. Jesus was a living example of God’s love, as we are to be living examples of Jesus love. You matter to God. Your neighbor matters to God. Does your neighbor matter to you? Main Text: Genesis 4:9-10 |