Wed, 27 January 2016
The connecting life is a communal life. We live life together. It’s more than a tagline, it’s a promise. More than a cute slogan or pie-in-the-sky ideal, the communal life is a beautiful mess. And it’s what we mean by lifeGroup. Main Text: Acts 2:42-47 |
Thu, 21 January 2016
The connecting life is a worshipping life. All of life is worship. From beginning to end, from daybreak to nightfall, the Jesus-following life is set apart, distinct, non-conformed life. It is a breathless invitation from the God of heaven. And, it’s what we mean by lifeWorship. Main Text: Romans 11:33-12:2 |
Thu, 14 January 2016
The engaged life is a connecting lifestyle. All of my life is connected to Jesus. Not parts, but the whole. As a result, all my relationships, and opportunities for interaction with others, are opportunities for life-giving connections. This is simple, not complex. Yet, in our compartmentalized reality, quite difficult. In fact, Jesus tells us that is impossible...on our own. It cannot be done without Jesus! Main Text: John 15:5 |
Thu, 7 January 2016
Pastor Jeff shares his "2015 Top 10 List" to help us remember what we discovered over the last 52 weeks and to help us answer the question, "What do I want to be different in 2016?" Click here to download the list> |