Wed, 20 June 2018
Focus: New Physical Health is one of the 12 building blocks of a home that is springing with life. This Temple of the Holy Spirit is healthiest when it gets the right nutrition. We might decide our work, or what we really like is more important. But, God is our comforter, our source of blessings and enjoyment. We get to take care of our bodies as the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We get to taste the blessing of food when we eat. And we can enjoy the results of proper nutrition free from the need to seek comfort. Main Text: Luke 4:1-4
Direct download: Physical_Health_Part_3_Nutrition_Under_Eating__Gluttony.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11pm PST |
Wed, 13 June 2018
Focus: New Physical Health is one of the 12 building blocks of a home that is springing with life. This Temple of the Holy Spirit is healthiest when it gets enough sleep. We might decide our work, or that Netflix show, is more important. But, God is our provider, and our source of peace and rest. We get to take care of our bodies as the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We get to rest in the blessing of recuperation when we sleep. And we can enjoy clearness of thought free from the worry of needing to provide for ourselves.
Direct download: Physical_Health_Part_2_Sleep_Overwork-_Laziness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:39pm PST |
Wed, 13 June 2018
Focus: New Physical Health is one of the 12 building blocks of a home that is springing with life. This Temple of the Holy Spirit is healthiest when it gets enough sleep. We might decide our work, or that Netflix show, is more important. But, God is our provider, and our source of peace and rest. We get to take care of our bodies as the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We get to rest in the blessing of recuperation when we sleep. And we can enjoy clearness of thought free from the worry of needing to provide for ourselves.
Direct download: Physical_Health_Part_2_Sleep_Overwork-_Laziness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:38pm PST |
Tue, 5 June 2018
Focus: New Physical Health is one of the 12 building blocks of a home that is springing with life. New Physical Health is the result of honoring God’s design and His blessings (including limits) with our bodies. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We should treat them with the care and concern we would treat His House. We give God glory when we use our bodies in the ways He has designed, and for His purposes. Whose house is this? God’s house!
Direct download: Physical_Health_Part_1_Temple_of_the_Holy_Spirit_or_Me.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am PST |