Thu, 31 December 2015
To forget is human; to remember, divine. Pastor Jeff encourages us to take a look back at 2015 to help us remember what we've learned. |
Wed, 23 December 2015
Focus: It is such a blessing to be able to trust someone else with something that is important. Imagine having full trust in a moving company to deliver on all of their promises, to pack everything up, get it where it needs to go, and set it all back up without losing or breaking anything. As you Journey with Jesus into your neighborhood, what can you trust God to deliver? Main Text: Luke 1:39–56 |
Mon, 14 December 2015
Focus: Sometimes we get so focused on what we’re expecting to see, that we can “miss the forest for the trees.” As you Journey with Jesus into your neighborhood, what are you expecting to see? Main Text: Luke 7:18-35 |
Mon, 7 December 2015
Focus: John the Baptist, as the one announcing the coming of the King, was the voice calling out in the desert, “Prepare the way for the Lord.” Making the path straight and bringing the high places low didn’t involve heavy machinery even then. John proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, a turning of the heart away from the former, and told people to live that out, to share what they had and to not take advantage of others. What would the road construction look like in your neighborhood to make it ready for the King? Main Text: Luke 3:1–14 |
Thu, 3 December 2015
Focus: How long could it be kept secret if huge music star was moving into your neighborhood? Even if you didn’t hear about it before, certainly their entourage would make it well known as they came down the street. As we Journey with Jesus into the neighborhood, we find ourselves, as His disciples, part of His entourage. What could keep you quiet? Main Text: Luke 19:28–40 |
Tue, 24 November 2015
Focus: The end is coming, there is no doubt. But it’s been nearly 2000 years. And yet, we’re called to stay alert! To not let the master find us sleeping. When the master returns, will He find things in order, or will we be scrambling to clean up? Main Text: Mark 13:24–37 |
Sun, 22 November 2015
Focus: Before Jesus comes again things are going to get crazy, and he says to watch out, but not to worry. God will use the places you are put to give you opportunities to tell everyone about Him. He’ll even give you the words to say. Main Text: Mark 13:1–13 |
Wed, 11 November 2015
Jesus gives us two very different “fly on the wall” looks at people from the perspective of the coming kingdom. How do you act when no one can see? Main Text: Mark 12:38–44 |
Thu, 5 November 2015
Focus: Jesus never said following Him would be the popular or cool thing to do. He instead says “people will mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.” But then He says, “Be happy about it! Be very glad!” What? Text: Matthew 5:1–12 |
Wed, 28 October 2015
Focus: The family you are born into has a profound impact on your life. As sinners we’re all born into slavery. But we have been set free by the Son, and through baptism we’re born into God’s family. What legacy have you been born into? What will your legacy be? Main Text: John 8:31–36 |
Thu, 22 October 2015
Focus: There is a pretty big difference between “difficult” and “impossible”. For people who trust in and find security in blessings, and in their ability to store up God’s blessings, it is difficult to trust in and find security somewhere else. And it is impossible enter the kingdom of heaven by trusting in anything you or another person can do. As you look to your future, and consider things like financial stability, savings, and investing, where is your trust? What will your legacy be? Main Text: Mark 10:23–31 |
Wed, 14 October 2015
Focus: What is the one thing you wouldn’t give up? Jesus said, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Often are our hearts tied to money, sometimes to our surprise, because other goals or desires in life have money or wealth as an intermediate step. What will your legacy be? Main Text: Mark 10:17–22 |
Wed, 7 October 2015
The only reason Moses allowed divorce was as a concession to the hard heart of the people. Instead of receiving the kingdom like a little child, just as it is, we often try to make it fit what we want. What will your legacy be? Main Text: Mark 10:2–16 |
Thu, 1 October 2015
Focus: Walking with Jesus isn’t being part of an exclusive clique where we keep His things for ourselves. While we wouldn’t say that we exclude others, how often are we skeptical of or do we look down on others who call themselves Christians but aren’t part of our Lutheran heritage? Instead looking to defend our blessings from those outside, Jesus points us inward when looking for problems. Jesus, speak, “be opened” and free us from an us vs. them mindset and those attitudes and desires within us and in our own circles that cause us to sin. Main Text: Mark 9:38–50 |
Wed, 23 September 2015
Focus: Big ego and selfish ambition aren’t just discouraged among followers of Jesus, they actually get in the way of our following Him. They are distractions, causing us to miss the things He is teaching us, and causing us to miss opportunities to share His love with and serve those around us. Jesus, speak “be opened” and free us from the blockage of our selfish ambition. Main Text: Mark 9:30–37 |
Wed, 16 September 2015
Focus: Ask Jesus to Be Opened. Take the things that close your heart to the cross. Main Text: Mark 9:14–29 |
Fri, 11 September 2015
Focus: Be Opened! The door to your heart should always be open. Main Text: Mark 7:24–37 |
Thu, 3 September 2015
Focus: There is a cosmic battle raging. With clear eyes, filled with Jesus life and God’s Word to make plain what is actually going on, we can see through the lies and distractions of the world to what is really going on. With hearts that are full of Him, and with His love for others, we are protected and victorious in the battle. He has already won, and He powers us to stand firm in Him against the relentless onslaught of the enemy, and to share His love, the message of salvation, and the victory with all those around us. Jesus will not lose a single person His Father has given him. We can’t lose! |
Sat, 29 August 2015
Focus: What does it look like when your heart is far from your spouse, or from your parents/children? This is Jesus’ condemnation, quoting Isaiah, of those in the religious establishment of His day. They were more concerned with how they looked, where other people thought their hearts were, than they were with where their hearts really were. In contrast, Paul tells us that the relationship between Jesus and the church, us, is that of a husband and wife. Main Text: Mark 7:1–13 |
Mon, 17 August 2015
Focus: What colors your reality? Do you take Jesus at His Word, or do you evaluate Him based on your understanding? Some believed Him and some didn’t, and it’s no different today. His disciples, even struggling with what Jesus said, responded to His challenge, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.” Do you search God’s Word like a treasure map with your eyes looking to find how you can get “eternal life”? Or do you treat it as the authority on life, the source of wisdom with the power to change you and clear your eyes?. Main Text: John 6:51–69 |
Thu, 13 August 2015
This life, the journey we are called to, would be too much for us alone. But, just as God chose us, He feeds us, clothes us, and shows us. This new life is the life of Christ. And He is the strength for the journey. Main Text: John 6:35–51 |
Tue, 4 August 2015
Focus: What is greater, the gift, or the giver? What do we spend time thinking about? Appreciating? When we worry about things that are gifts, what does that say about our trust in the giver? When we spend our time trying to gather up and store gifts, or when we measure others by the gifts they have, where are our hearts? We have been gifted to share, not to compare. Comparing misplaces the glory rightly due only to God, the source, and divides the body. Sharing His gifts, instead, builds the One Body up in love, and glorifies Him. Main Text: John 6:22–35 |
Wed, 29 July 2015
Focus: God doesn’t pick people based on their faith, or their control of fear. He, instead, establishes our trust by loving, comforting, promising, and by reminding us through signs. The Father works faith in us by His Spirit, and by that Faith Jesus dwells in our hearts. We are One Body, faithed to life with Jesus. Main Text: Mark 6:45–56
-- posted at: 7:37pm PST
Thu, 23 July 2015
Focus: Life without God is life without hope. It is the life of a sheep without a shepherd to gather, protect, care for, lead toward peace and rest, and toward food. But God sent Jesus, the righteous branch, the good shepherd. Not only did Jesus gather up Jews, but Gentiles too. His sacrifice broke down dividing walls of hostility in the flesh, and the dividing wall of hostility between God and man’s sin. He cared for and cares for us, and gathers us all into One Body, together with each other and with Him. Main Text: Mark 6:30–44 |
Wed, 15 July 2015
Focus: John relayed God’s call for people to repent, God’s announcement of His own coming, and God’s work of making the path straight. Left to ourselves, we would all reject the condemnation, the call to repent, and would try and get out of it. But, God is the one standing with the plumb line, building a new wall that is straight. He is the one with the plan. He is the one who chooses us. He is the one who makes us His. It has always been His plan to unite all things in Heaven and on Earth together in One Body in and through Christ. Main Text: Mark 6:14-29 |
Wed, 8 July 2015
Focus: Does God’s chosen method of delivery sometime seem to make things more difficult than they have to be? It can be hard to get past personal history with someone to be able to see what God is doing. Paul tells us that it is when he is at his weakest, that he is actually strongest. What? In our weakness we rely more on God, God’s power is most clearly evident, and He alone is glorified. How might you step out from behind the curtain, to make more of God? Main Text: Mark 6:1–13 |
Thu, 2 July 2015
Have you ever wanted to trade places with someone? What if you could take their pain and suffering, and give them some of what you have? This is real generosity, giving not only out of excess, but giving and sharing even when you will feel the impact. Do you trust that God has and does give generously to you even when situations seem hopeless? Main Text: Mark 5:21–43 |
Wed, 24 June 2015
Focus: Sometimes as we follow Jesus, we are the ones standing in our own way. We tend to make inferences about Jesus and His work that are based on assumptions from our own experiences and observations. These inferences and assumptions can often keep us from being open in the moment. How you respond in crisis, or to rebuke, often shows what you assume to be true. And what you expect from and think of God is often clear in what you are open to receive from Him. Main Text: Mark 4:35–41 |
Mon, 15 June 2015
Focus: “You shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover.” “Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.” In Jesus’ time, one might have said, “Don’t judge the size of the plant by the size of the seed” or “The plant grows whether or not the gardener understands how.” God’s kingdom is no small thing, but it can be easy for us to judge based on what we see, and to get discouraged when we don’t see the results we want, or expect. Main Text: Mark 4:26–34 |
Tue, 9 June 2015
Blood is thicker than water, the saying goes. Jesus, however, defines His family as those who do God’s will. There is one Spirit, one faith, one baptism, and no division in God’s family. We are ushered into the family of God through the waters of baptism into the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The thickest blood, it turns out, is the blood of Jesus, which covers us with Jesus, who did God’s will.
Thu, 4 June 2015
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The singular God says, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like ourselves.” God also says, “Look, I have given you..” So which is it, us or I? How can a man be born again? How could all the people hear the preaching in their own native tongue at Pentecost? Does our belief follow our eyes and understanding? Or does our belief flow from God’s Word?
Main Text: John 3:1-17 |
Fri, 29 May 2015
Focus: Why did Jesus want the disciples to remain in Jerusalem until He sent the Spirit? He seems to give the Spirit a lot more credit than we do today. From life given to animated dry bones, to tangible wind and flames over the heads of people who suddenly could all understand each other in their own language, these experiences with the Holy Spirit seem more like what Jesus talked about. The disciples were quick to recognize and to submit to the work of the Holy Spirit. Do you regularly look for and recognize the work of the unleashed Spirit, and the life He has breathed into you? Main Text: John 15:26–27; 16:4b–15 |
Tue, 19 May 2015
Focus: Too often we act like we are not part of this world. Or that if we have been unleashed, it is from the responsibility toward the world. We huddle together, like the disciples in the upper room, instead of living our faith outside the surroundings and safety of other Christians. Jesus’ prayer for His people, as He is leaving the world, is recorded for their benefit and for ours. God will protect us and keep us from the Evil one, He will teach us His word, which is truth, and we are not separated from the world, but we are sent into it, not to become like the world, but to be like Jesus in the world. Main Text: John 17:11b–19 |
Fri, 15 May 2015
Focus: Jesus loved us like the Father showed Him love. We are to love each other like Jesus showed us love. Jesus loved the Father by following His commands, so we’re supposed to love Jesus by following His commands. His command is simply to love each other. Why doesn’t the world know Christians as people who give up their lives for each other and by how much we love? Main Text: John 15:9–17 |
Fri, 8 May 2015
Focus: The Lord works to prune from our lives those things that threaten to hold us back from living as His instruments. He cuts the leashes that we so willingly accept or even put on ourselves. The connection that He has remade, the one we were created to have, is connection to Jesus, the true vine, the source of all of our life and good things. What might Jesus be working to prune in your life today, to free you to blossom? Main Text: John 15:1–8 |
Fri, 1 May 2015
Focus: The Good Shepherd willingly gave up His life for His sheep. With His resurrection He was unleashed on His flock and the world. Could there possibly be a better Shepherd to follow, than one you know will give up His life to keep you, because He already has? Main Text: John 10:11–18 |
Thu, 23 April 2015
Focus: Moses and the prophets (the Old Testament) point to Jesus as the Messiah, and as such, everything had to come true. As this message is proclaimed to the whole world, in the authority of the name of Jesus, the announcement to all is, “There is forgiveness of sins for all who repent.” And just as the disciples were unleashed as the witnesses, with the promise of the coming Holy Spirit, so we are still witnesses to this, today. Main Text: Luke 24:36–49 |
Thu, 16 April 2015
Focus: “Peace be with you!” Jesus says three times here. The second time it’s clearly not because they are still afraid. Jesus sends the disciples out, as God sent Him, as instruments of peace, between God and man. He unleashes them and us upon the world with the message of peace and the power of forgiveness. Peace has been made between God and man, between God and you. Main Text: John 20:19–31 |
Fri, 10 April 2015
Focus: Mary didn’t first think back to Jesus words about His resurrection when she saw that His grave had been opened, she assumed the stone must have been rolled away from the outside. Jesus said that He would rebuild the temple in three days. What an amazing truth, that defies the very fundamental things we know about life. The grave couldn’t hold Him, instead, the resurrected Jesus is unleashed! Main Text: John 20:1–18 |
Tue, 7 April 2015
Jesus comes to Jerusalem fulfilling prophecy, entering humbly on a donkey’s colt, yet as the King of Israel “in the name of the Lord”. He comes to be lifted up in glory on the Cross in order to cast out “the ruler of this world” and draw all people to Himself. Church, journeying with Jesus we are called to rejoice greatly as our King comes with salvation. Main Text: John 12:20-43. |
Thu, 26 March 2015
In the midst of Jesus telling His followers for the third time that He would be killed and raised, with even more details, they can’t seem to focus on what is at hand, and are still, STILL talking about who would be the greatest. This time, two of them ask Jesus to do whatever they ask. Maybe they thought if He said, “OK” He would be bound to give them what they want. Instead Jesus reminds them AGAIN that being concerned about yourself will get you nowhere in the kingdom, and that among those who would follow Jesus, the ordering begins with the slave of everyone. Main Text: Mark 10:35-45. |
Fri, 20 March 2015
Light is dangerous if you’re worried about others seeing you. If you use the light to navigate, you’re drawn to it, it is life. Those feeling the weight of their sin and the need for help by the power of God’s Spirit found the Savior, the Light to gravitate toward. Those too proud, unwilling to give up control, and who denied that there could be only one way scurried for the cover of darkness, either by fleeing or by trying to extinguish the light. Are you drawn to the gift? Or do the implications scare you away. Main Text: John 3:14-21 |
Tue, 10 March 2015
Have you ever returned home to find things a bit out of order? Jesus returns to His Father’s house, the Temple in Jerusalem, and sees that sacrifices have become a financial business. Those in the Temple didn’t recognize His authority, and certainly didn’t understand how He could rebuild the Temple in three days. What is God’s Temple today? Is it in order? Main Text: John 2:13-22 |
Wed, 4 March 2015
Following Jesus isn’t a spectator sport. Really following means being like Jesus. Just as Jesus willingly submits to the will of His Father, even when it is painful, we also must submit. Jesus’ call is for our whole life, every part, our understanding, our love, even our trash. We are called to submit our whole life to Him, to pick up our cross and follow Him, and He wants to set our whole life straight. Main Text: Mark 8:27-38 |
Fri, 27 February 2015
Jesus makes things right. The first steps in Lent, Journeying with Jesus, are only possible because God came to us to return us to Him. It’s not a relationship realized only later, after we die, but it has already begun. What should change when you’re walking with God? |
Thu, 19 February 2015
Focus: There can be no question, for those who see the very glory of God in Jesus. With Moses, a veil was needed so that the people could even stand it. Jesus got rid of that veil, of the separation between God and man. The only veil that still exists is over the hearts of those who don’t know Jesus. For those who saw this, Jesus commanded silence, because it wasn’t time yet for his broad revelation, but ever since His revelation, death and resurrection, He has commanded not silence, but witnesses who reflect the same glory He radiates through their words and lives.Main Text: Mark 9:2-9 |
Tue, 10 February 2015
Focus: Jesus came to preach the Good News, God came to man to restore the relationship established at creation. Jesus, true God, bears God’s almighty power, and that power continues to be demonstrated chiefly by His mercy and compassion. His preaching frees people from the shackles of the world, His death and resurrection frees us all from the shackles of sin, in His very life and by His command He made time to free people bound by sickness and possession. He makes things right, re-creating as He goes. We, as His hands and feet today, continue His re-creative work that will be made full and perfect when He returns.Main Text: Mark 1:29-39 |
Mon, 2 February 2015
Focus: When God speaks, reality is created. The Prophets are God’s mouthpiece, speaking His words, and as such, they carry His authority. When Jesus taught, it was clear he wasn’t just regurgitating what He heard from other men, He spoke with the authority that God’s mouthpieces have. As such, all creation is subject to the reality Jesus spoke, even the evil spirits are bound to obey when the Word of God speaks. Main Text: Mark 1:21-28 |
Fri, 30 January 2015
Focus: Everywhere He went, Jesus changed things. Fishermen - Drop your nets, and come fish for men.Condemners - Are you blameless? What is He redefining today? Main Text: Mark 1:14-20 |
Thu, 22 January 2015
Focus: God wants all people to know Jesus, to come to the knowledge of the Truth. But we don’t always recognize Him, even though He is always right here with us. Like with God calling Samuel, Jesus knew and chose Nathaniel before Nathaniel ever knew who Jesus was. People need to be known, we are by very definition relational beings. Who do you know who needs to recognize that Jesus has known them forever, and loves them totally? Main Text: John 1:43-51 |
Sat, 17 January 2015
Focus: John had one purpose, to prepare the way for God’s Messiah. John baptized many people, but in only one case did the heavens split open, the Holy Spirit visibly descend like a dove, and God’s voice audibly speak that, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” The very presence of God on Earth is seen in the baptism of Jesus, and through our baptism into His life, death and resurrection, we are part of the Body of Christ, the Church, God’s dwelling place on Earth. Text: Mark 1:4-11 |
Thu, 8 January 2015
Focus: God honored Solomon’s request when of all things he asked for wisdom to govern God’s people from David’s throne. Wisdom on the throne. This is God’s gift as seen in Jesus, at the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus lived and spoke with and from a wisdom and understanding that was baffling to all who encountered Him. Where does your wisdom and understanding come from? Main Text: Luke 2:41-52 |