Thu, 29 September 2016
Focus: We need each other. Relationships are a gift from God. What a privilege to know one another beyond just a surface “Hello, how are you?” There is a gift beyond the quick, passing interaction on a Sunday Morning. We blossom in developing deeper relationships that are authentic and safe. We can grow as we depend on one another. Who are YOUR people? Text: Daniel 3:1-18 |
Fri, 23 September 2016
Focus: God has made our purpose very clear. Love God. Love Others. This grand purpose gets lived out every day. We actively practice our purpose. As we gather weekly with each other we can check in with one another and see how that is going. How are you doing at loving God with your whole heart, soul, strength and mind? What is getting in your way of putting God first in your life. How are you doing at loving your neighbor as yourself? When we live life together we help one another focus on what God has asked us to do. Text: Luke 10:27 |
Mon, 12 September 2016
There is power in praising God for WHO HE IS. Gathering together in lifeGroup gives us an intentional time to remind one another of where we have seen God at work. We take time to focus on WHO God is and in turn receive the gift of praise. Text: Psalm 22:3; Psalm 8:2; Hebrew 12:2 |
Thu, 8 September 2016
Focus: Meeting weekly, praying regularly, discussing God’s Word consistently with our friends--gifts given in rhythm! These patterns are life-giving. And, once established, can provide much-needed support when trials arise. Daniel knew just what to do when things got really tough, because he had an established pattern developed in his life. What daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and yearly patterns do you want to develop in your life? Text: Daniel 6:1-10 |
Thu, 1 September 2016
Focus: When we live life together we begin to go the extra mile with each other. We get below the surface and really love one another. The friends in the Gospel story for today would stop at nothing to get their crippled friend to Jesus. They were persistent. What length are you willing to go to so your friends will get to see Jesus? Text: Mark 2:3-5 |