Wed, 29 May 2013
Stop praying to God or be thrown to the lions. Tough choice for Daniel? Not really! Daniel had seen God rescue his friends from the fiery furnace. Daniel spent time with God. Daniel knew God. He trusted God. How do we respond in the face of struggles and tough choices? Text: Daniel 6:1-12; 16-23 |
Tue, 21 May 2013
The consequences of sin can be awful. The worst consequence is when God removes His hand of blessing and protection, and allows us to have our sinful way. Yet even as the Israelites are defeated, God spares a remnant. Why does God spare us even though we continue to sin? Text: 2 Kings 25:1-12 |
Tue, 14 May 2013
Rebellious and sinful. It seems impossible for the Israelites to keep their covenant with God. They are seemingly crushed and defeated. What is God going to do with these stiff-necked people? Abandon them? Hammer them with His law? His response may surprise you! Text: Isaiah 53 |
Tue, 7 May 2013
Focus: God vs. Baal. Only one of them is true God. Only one of them has power. Only one of them can do the impossible. Only one will win. What God do you believe in? Is that reflected in your life? Text: 1 Kings 18:16-40 |