Tue, 24 June 2014
God placed your neighbor next to you for a reason. Is that a burden or a joy? Consider what God has done for you, how bright your future is. Now, consider that God desires the same future for your neighbor. “How is that possible?” we say. “You don’t know my neighbor.” Our God can do the impossible. What a joy it should be to be called to partner with Him. Text: Mark 10:24-27 |
Mon, 16 June 2014
Focus: We live in an excuse-filled ridden world: “I can’t do that because…, I’m not available because…, I’m not fully prepared, not ready yet.” Moses had plenty of excuses too, yet, God admonished him: “Now go; I will help you speak, and teach you what to say.” It’s the same instruction for us today, “Now go”, share Me with your neighbors. Text: Exodus 4:10-12 |
Mon, 9 June 2014
The idea of mission is great. The idea of praying for neighbors and friends, and even enemies is great. But, when the rubber meets the road, will you jump to action? Or, will you first weigh the time, energy, and financial cost? Do you see someone who needs help, or do you see your own inconvenience? Read Text: 1 John 3:16-18 |
Fri, 6 June 2014
This is God’s mission, His love, His work, and we are His instruments, His agents. Agent, are you ready for the next step+? Is your ear-piece in? Read Text: John 16:13-15 |