Tue, 28 January 2014
Focus: God already owns everything we have. There is nothing we can give God, that He hasn’t already given. Except…our praise. Acknowledging and celebrating worth is part of our culture. Yet, with God, we spend very little time celebrating Him. Why is that? What would it look like for you today to celebrate God’s worth? Text: Psalm 34:1-3 |
Mon, 20 January 2014
“Lord, (YOU) teach us to pray.” There are just some things that don’t belong to us. Prayer does not start with us. The requests, thoughts, cries don’t emanate from our minds or hearts. They begin with God. They flow from His mind and heart. What would it look like for you today to allow God to shape or determine the content of your prayers? |
Fri, 17 January 2014
Focus: Can you imagine having a friendship with someone and never being with them? Friends stay in touch. Friends talk and listen. Friends keep company. Friends don’t have to discipline themselves to share life. There’s a natural desire and inclination to keep company with our friends. What would it look like for you today to approach your relationship with God the way you do with your friend? Text: Psalm 16:11; Exodus 33:8-11a & 12-23; John 15:1-17 |
Tue, 7 January 2014
The Kingdom of God advances 1 person at a time. 2014 will be a trajectory-changing year for us at the Church. Every single personal decision to own our mission will be celebrated. Every single person will be resourced to “connect people to life in Jesus.” This will be a highly practical season for us. Text: John 3:1-18 |
Fri, 3 January 2014
Jesus was born of flesh and blood because His friends (those who He is called to redeem) were born of flesh and blood. There could be no other way. Jesus had to be fully human in order to die and break the curse of sin. The end of the Law’s brutal justice that demands “an eye for an eye” began in a manger in Bethlehem. |