Fri, 26 February 2016
The connecting life is an agenda-free life. What might happen in our relationships if we were able to love no matter what? So much of our love is dependent on the behaviors of others. Is behavior modification our goal? Or is there something much more? Main Text: John 13:1-21, 30; John 21:18-22 |
Wed, 17 February 2016
The connecting life is an enjoyable life. Can you imagine how much easier our invitations would be to accept if we exhibited a contagious abundance? So much of our witness has been about what we are against. As you watch Jesus in today’s story, where is he? What is he doing? Who is he with? And how does the church of His day respond? Who is God placing in front of you that just wants you to hang out with? Main Text: Mark 2:13-17 |
Fri, 12 February 2016
The connecting life is a listening life. As creatures created by God, we listen to our Creator. And, in honor of the ones placed in front of us, also created with unsurpassable worth, we listen. No doubt, most of us could stand to learn abit about listening with interest to those around us. We learn to listen in lifeWorship, lifeGroup, lifeServe. Who is God placing in front of you who simply wants you to listen? Main Text: James 1:17-19 |
Thu, 4 February 2016
The connecting life is a serving life. Serving with the ones whom God is placing in front of us. Mingling their gifts, their passions, their interests, their styles with ours. With, not merely to or for. No paternalism allowed! We are called to co-create flourishing spaces and places with God and with those who live there. It’s more than volunteerism for the church. It’s an invitation to bountiful hope. And it’s what we mean by lifeServe. Main Text: Matthew 20:20-28 |