Fri, 30 January 2015
Focus: Everywhere He went, Jesus changed things. Fishermen - Drop your nets, and come fish for men.Condemners - Are you blameless? What is He redefining today? Main Text: Mark 1:14-20 |
Thu, 22 January 2015
Focus: God wants all people to know Jesus, to come to the knowledge of the Truth. But we don’t always recognize Him, even though He is always right here with us. Like with God calling Samuel, Jesus knew and chose Nathaniel before Nathaniel ever knew who Jesus was. People need to be known, we are by very definition relational beings. Who do you know who needs to recognize that Jesus has known them forever, and loves them totally? Main Text: John 1:43-51 |
Sat, 17 January 2015
Focus: John had one purpose, to prepare the way for God’s Messiah. John baptized many people, but in only one case did the heavens split open, the Holy Spirit visibly descend like a dove, and God’s voice audibly speak that, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” The very presence of God on Earth is seen in the baptism of Jesus, and through our baptism into His life, death and resurrection, we are part of the Body of Christ, the Church, God’s dwelling place on Earth. Text: Mark 1:4-11 |
Thu, 8 January 2015
Focus: God honored Solomon’s request when of all things he asked for wisdom to govern God’s people from David’s throne. Wisdom on the throne. This is God’s gift as seen in Jesus, at the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus lived and spoke with and from a wisdom and understanding that was baffling to all who encountered Him. Where does your wisdom and understanding come from? Main Text: Luke 2:41-52 |