Thu, 22 December 2016
Focus: So we have come full circle back to the “present” Christ - Immanuel, God with us! As we have seen in this sermon series, our call to servanthood assures us a challenging and rewarding life in Jesus. It presents us with many opportunities to impact the world for the Gospel. Jesus was born to serve. From His humble beginnings in a stable manger to His humiliating death on a cross, His life was about serving others in the most sacrificial ways. In our baptism we are reborn to serve, transformed from serving self to serving Jesus and others in His name. We are made into new creations to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. May we carry forward in this world the hope of Jesus’ birth through our service to others. Main Text: Matt 1:23; Isa 52:13-53:12 |
Fri, 16 December 2016
Focus: Mercy is not only recognizing or even feeling the pain of others, it is acting (serving) to alleviate the pain and help the afflicted to gain a Godly perspective on their suffering. As seen in the example of Jesus, being merciful is constantly being alert to the suffering of others and having the willingness to act in their interest. Being aware of another’s suffering presents us with two options: indifference, or drawing near for the purpose of helping. Jesus, the visible image of God, is our perfect model for mercy because everything in his life was a reflection of His Father. It was He who said, "Be merciful, just like your Father in heaven is merciful" (Lk 6:36). Main Text: Lk 6:36 |
Fri, 9 December 2016
Focus: Jesus listened, empowered, and gave voice to those whom He ministered by starting where they were with what they had. His is our best example of how to serve our neighbor. Our tendency is to (paternalistically) determine our neighbor’s needs without listening to them first. Rather than creating dignity, this creates dependency, undermining the freedom that Christ came to give. Do we serve from our own need to be paternalistic or, do we serve from a desire to to see the freedom of Kingdom Come for every neighbor? Main Text: Mark 6:33-44 (Jesus Feeds Five Thousand) |
Thu, 1 December 2016
When we serve our neighbors in the place we occupy together, our neighborhood, we share community experience. Our neighbor’s problems become our problems; what we want for our children we want for our neighbor’s children; the crime they experience we too experience. In other words, we take ownership in our neighborhood. It is our context for authentic service. Main Text: John 1:14 |
Wed, 23 November 2016
Focus: Central to genuinely obeying and following Jesus is loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. If this is the case we naturally ask, “Who is my neighbor?” Who is it that we love and serve? What can we learn about Jesus and His will for us from this question? The parable of the Good Samaritan reveals that genuine, authentic Jesus-followers need to be aware and act upon the opportunities to help those with whom they come in contact. Main Text: Lk 10:25-37 (Parable of the Good Samaritan) |
Fri, 18 November 2016
Focus: If you were to apply for the job of servant in the Kingdom, what qualifications might you need listed on your resume? The good news is that all Jesus-followers are servants in the Kingdom. There are a few characteristics that identify us as such: The greater among us serves the lesser; we look to the interest of others; and Kingdom servants are trustworthy in their service. The challenge for Kingdom servants is evident - these characteristics are 180 degrees out of sync with our culture. Main Text: Luke 22:27, Jn 13:1-15, Phil 2:4, 1 Cor 4:2, Lk 16.12 |
Fri, 11 November 2016
Here we tackle the idea of greatness. What does it mean to be great? The answer is totally counter-cultural and not often grasped even by Jesus followers. Our culture promotes competition to determine greatness, but in the Kingdom, competition has no place. Instead, simple and mundane service to others aligns us with the mission of Jesus. Serving in His name glorifies God and ascribes greatness to Him. Main Text: Mt 20:28; Lk 22:22-47 |
Fri, 4 November 2016
Focus: Jesus not only came to save souls, but as the creator, sustainer, and reconciler of all things, to restore everything under His Kingdom reign. Jesus said of His mission, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God...because that is why I was sent.” The Kingdom good news is the restoration of all things. As Kingdom citizens and Christ’s ambassadors, this is our mission as well. We join God wherever He is working to restore everything sin has ruined. Jesus taught us that our mission always includes word and deed - preach the Kingdom and minister to the sick and oppressed. This is who we are as Kingdom citizens. Main Text: Lk 4:43, 9:2, 10:9; Col 1:15-20 |
Thu, 27 October 2016
Focus Jesus outlined his mission on earth in Luke 4:16-21 and lived it out with a strategy of including the excluded; challenging cultural practices by dignifying the under-resourced and underserved at risk to His own reputation; and advocating for the hungry, sick and imprisoned. His work of justice, and now ours as His ambassadors of reconciliation, is to restore and reconcile all things to God. Main Text: Lk 4:16-21; Col 1:19-20; 2 Cor 5:18-21 |
Fri, 21 October 2016
Focus: By washing the feet of His disciples, Jesus modeled that the Kingdom norm involves serving others, even those we lead. What a counter-cultural notion for North Americans! But it’s true! Jesus took the humble position of a slave when He became one of us. Thus, Paul encourages us to set aside our selfishness that we may think of others as better than ourselves and put their interest before our own. What does this mean in the day to day of our lives? Main Text: Jn 13:1-17, Phil 2:7b, Phil 2:1-4 |
Thu, 13 October 2016
Focus: Jesus did not serve from a distance. On mission to reconcile and restore all He created, Jesus emptied Himself of his heavenly status, sacrificially serving even to death for our sake. How deep the Father’s love for us! How vast beyond all measure! Our response? To empty ourselves for our neighbors’ sake, that they too will know the joy of confessing Jesus as Lord. Practicing “presence” with our neighbor is where it begins. Main Text: Phil 2:7a |
Fri, 7 October 2016
Serving is the ministry of “people building into the lives of people who build into the lives of people” (disciples who make disciples). Jesus did this with his disciples and so did Paul with the people he discipled. Serving is not just for vocational church workers* - all Jesus followers are ministers and gifted to build life into others through serving. Our gifts are used within the church to build up the body of Christ for service, and for those not-yet believers who we connect to life in Jesus. We serve not to earn our way to God’s grace, but in response to His grace freely given. Serving, as Christ served, is our response to Christ’s ultimate act of servanthood on the cross for our sake and brings glory to God. Main Text: 2 Tim 2:2; Eph 2:8 |
Thu, 29 September 2016
Focus: We need each other. Relationships are a gift from God. What a privilege to know one another beyond just a surface “Hello, how are you?” There is a gift beyond the quick, passing interaction on a Sunday Morning. We blossom in developing deeper relationships that are authentic and safe. We can grow as we depend on one another. Who are YOUR people? Text: Daniel 3:1-18 |
Fri, 23 September 2016
Focus: God has made our purpose very clear. Love God. Love Others. This grand purpose gets lived out every day. We actively practice our purpose. As we gather weekly with each other we can check in with one another and see how that is going. How are you doing at loving God with your whole heart, soul, strength and mind? What is getting in your way of putting God first in your life. How are you doing at loving your neighbor as yourself? When we live life together we help one another focus on what God has asked us to do. Text: Luke 10:27 |
Mon, 12 September 2016
There is power in praising God for WHO HE IS. Gathering together in lifeGroup gives us an intentional time to remind one another of where we have seen God at work. We take time to focus on WHO God is and in turn receive the gift of praise. Text: Psalm 22:3; Psalm 8:2; Hebrew 12:2 |
Thu, 8 September 2016
Focus: Meeting weekly, praying regularly, discussing God’s Word consistently with our friends--gifts given in rhythm! These patterns are life-giving. And, once established, can provide much-needed support when trials arise. Daniel knew just what to do when things got really tough, because he had an established pattern developed in his life. What daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and yearly patterns do you want to develop in your life? Text: Daniel 6:1-10 |
Thu, 1 September 2016
Focus: When we live life together we begin to go the extra mile with each other. We get below the surface and really love one another. The friends in the Gospel story for today would stop at nothing to get their crippled friend to Jesus. They were persistent. What length are you willing to go to so your friends will get to see Jesus? Text: Mark 2:3-5 |
Sun, 21 August 2016
Focus: We have been commanded to make disciples who make more disciples. We need to partner with one another in the spreading of the gospel. Who is your Paul? (someone more mature than you) Who is your Timothy? (someone you can encourage) The kingdom grows when we teach others what we have been taught so they can teach others. With whom are you enjoying the gift of partnership? Text: 2 Timothy 2:2; Acts 18:24-27 |
Thu, 18 August 2016
Focus: The Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. We need to remind each other to continue on and not give up. When we get tired and discouraged, gathering together with other believers can help us persevere. And, what gifts are given when we do! Text: Hebrews 12:1b; Philippians 3:12-14 |
Wed, 10 August 2016
Focus: The gift of being with others can help us throw off the sin that hinders (to be delayed, interrupted, have difficulty) and easily entangles (confused, perplexed) us. There is healing that comes from confessing our sins to each other (James 5:16). We must be careful to examine our own lives before ever approaching someone else’s. We are all sinners in need of repentance and forgiveness. There is a powerful gift in shared penitence. Text: Hebrews 12:1a; Matthew 7:2-3 |
Fri, 5 August 2016
Focus: It is important to continue meeting together and not give up on the rhythm of gathering together and encouraging one another. Satan wants us to be isolated and alone, thinking we do not matter and can not make a difference. We all lead busy lives. Our commitment or lack of commitment of living life together it is not a matter of time, but of priority. Our presence is a gift. Main Text: Hebrews 10:25 |
Thu, 28 July 2016
Focus: When we live life together we get the privilege to think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. (Heb 10:24) We can be creative and encourage one another to go and try. We get to participate. We get to join Jesus on His mission! Jesus let the disciples participate in the feeding of the 5,000, he didn’t have to. Where is he asking you to participate today? Text: Hebrews 10:24; Luke 9:10-17 |
Mon, 18 July 2016
Focus: We can remind one another of the Promises of God and His faithfulness. Our purpose is to help one another not waver in the hope that we have. Have you ever not wanted to go to lifeGroup? And then, when you were driving home you were thankful because you had been reminded of God’s promises. What a gift to be able to hold onto those promises throughout the week. Text: Hebrews 10:23; Matthew 28:20 |
Thu, 14 July 2016
Focus: We can approach the throne of grace with confidence through prayer. We have direct access to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We can pray with BOLDNESS. How are you doing in lifeGroup not just quick wrapping up with prayer? Are your prayers just about those who are sick that need healing? Are you boldly praying for your impact list? Are you reaching out and asking for prayers from those in your lifeGroup? Do you pray first and plan later? Main Text: Hebrews 10:19-22 |
Thu, 7 July 2016
The engaged life is a life of living life together in community. There are indispensable gifts received when we live life together. lifeGroup is one way to share life with one another while following Jesus and helping others on their journey of following Jesus. We seek life transformation as we help one another in the context of a smaller group of people (outside of corporate worship). We need one another in order to grow in our relationship with God and to actively engage our friends who are far from God. lifeGroup is more than meeting once a week, we share life with one another. lifeGroup is a safe and authentic place where we can care for one another as well as find ways to reach out and bless others in our surrounding communities. |
Fri, 1 July 2016
Focus: In any circumstance we can give God thanks for all He has done, and in so doing, glorify God as the Lord of our lives. In every task, in every interaction, in every way we enjoy God’s creation, we can give Him thanks. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. Main Text: Psalm 136 |
Thu, 23 June 2016
Worship is anything we do that glorifies God as the Lord of our lives. God is love. As we love each other, God’s love is evident in and through us. Loving each other brings glory to God. How can you, in each of your actions, show love to someone, and worship God? Main Text: 1 John 4:7-21 |
Wed, 15 June 2016
Focus: Worship can be defined as “anything we do that glorifies God as Lord of our lives.” If so, is anything more worshipful than obeying Him? Main Text: John 12:44-50 |
Fri, 10 June 2016
Focus: Prayer is, simply put, speaking to God. Our Holy God destroyed the barrier between us and Him through Christ’s death as payment for sin once and for all. Because of this, we can approach God freely, and He wants us to pray. We can pray individually and when we’re together. We can pray for ourselves, but even more so for others. God gives us access to the greatest love and the greatest power, Himself. How can we help but pray? Main Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-8 |
Tue, 31 May 2016
Focus: God has given us His Word, He intends it for us. That means He wants us to hear it, to read it, and for us to learn it and then live according to it. One of the greatest acts of worship is hearing and reading God’s Word for you, believing it is what God wants to say to you, and then living that out. We do this in worship gatherings, in lifeGroup, with friends and family, and on our own. Main Text: Psalm 119:33-40 |
Wed, 25 May 2016
The life of a Christian is not something we do on our own. While we are the sent ones, we are also the gathered ones. God chose us to be part of His one people, and He calls us to live in peace together. Even our weekly pattern of worship is gathering together around His gifts, and as members of the body we are built and learn together, we encourage each other, and we lift our voices together. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Main Text: Colossians 3:12-17 |
Thu, 19 May 2016
Focus: God paid the price to free you from the life in bondage to sin that you inherited and lived in. The only sacrifice that could finally pay the price for all, is the one worth far more than anything else could be, the body and blood of Jesus Christ. You receive His body and blood in the Lord’s Supper every week, but how will you respond every day?Main Text: 1 Peter 1:18-19 |
Thu, 12 May 2016
Focus: In baptism you are washed clean, and filled with the Holy Spirit. You are part of God’s family, and all this has nothing to do with anything you could do, but is only because of God’s mercy. We can start every day remembering our baptism and putting to death the old Adam. As a recipient and beneficiary of God’s mercy, how will you respond? Main Text: Titus 3:5-8 |
Wed, 4 May 2016
You are a new creation! God brought you back to Himself through Jesus, you are forgiven! And now this message of forgiveness is yours to share with others. How will you respond? Main Text: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 |
Tue, 26 April 2016
Focus: The Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, proceeds from the Father and the Son. He is the movement of the Word in the World, and He has been sent to us, in our baptism, as our Helper. He lives in us and through us, and motivates our living out the reality of the Gospel in all we do, and the sharing of the Gospel with our neighbors. How do we, as those filled with the Holy Spirit, respond? Main Text: John 15:26-27, 16:7-15 |
Mon, 18 April 2016
Focus: Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, Our Lord, came to live with us, was crucified, died and was buried, to pay for all of our sin, once and for all. Because of Him, we are reconciled to God, the separation that our sin caused is gone, and our relationship is restored. How do we, as reconciled brothers and sisters of Christ, respond? Main Text: Colossians 1:15-22 |
Wed, 13 April 2016
Focus: God, the Father, is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. So, what does that make us? How do we, as creatures, respond to the great I Am? All of the works of His hands declare His glory, how can we? Main Text: Acts 17:22-28 |
Fri, 8 April 2016
The engaged life is a life of worshipping the one true God. In everything we do, we honor God, or someone else. Our worship begins as a community, as we “join together to focus on Jesus, offer Him praise, and allow Him the space to speak to us.” We receive the gifts God gives in weekly worship gatherings, and this posture of worshipping God extends through our week as the Holy Spirit impels us to worship God in everything we say and do. |
Fri, 1 April 2016
The angels refrain, spoken to the women at the empty tomb, is just as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. |
Wed, 23 March 2016
The Coming King |
Thu, 17 March 2016
The connecting life is an invitational life. And, timing is everything. The kind of invitation we are talking about here, is natural, not forced. It is freely given, not guilt-driven. The Gospel at its very core is an invitation, not a legalistic burden, right? As we approach the most holy week, who is God putting in front of you who needs some Good News? If the time is right, why not invite them to consider it? Main Text: John 4:39-42; Acts 5:41-42 |
Thu, 10 March 2016
The connecting life is a speaking life. As we live among others. As we over time, put this connecting lifestyle into practice, we will be asked to speak about the hope we have in Jesus. And, make no mistake, the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus is spread by speaking. People will not get this message through some divine osmosis. Someone has spoken the Good News to you. You are privileged to speak it to others. Main Text: 1 Peter 3:15-16; Romans 10:1-15 |
Fri, 4 March 2016
The connecting life is a patient life. Relationships take time. How long must we hang in there? Is our results-focused, goal-centered existence tainting our approach to our relationships? How long? How can I keep loving? The Psalmist gives us some clues. Main Text: Psalm 37:3-7 |
Fri, 26 February 2016
The connecting life is an agenda-free life. What might happen in our relationships if we were able to love no matter what? So much of our love is dependent on the behaviors of others. Is behavior modification our goal? Or is there something much more? Main Text: John 13:1-21, 30; John 21:18-22 |
Wed, 17 February 2016
The connecting life is an enjoyable life. Can you imagine how much easier our invitations would be to accept if we exhibited a contagious abundance? So much of our witness has been about what we are against. As you watch Jesus in today’s story, where is he? What is he doing? Who is he with? And how does the church of His day respond? Who is God placing in front of you that just wants you to hang out with? Main Text: Mark 2:13-17 |
Fri, 12 February 2016
The connecting life is a listening life. As creatures created by God, we listen to our Creator. And, in honor of the ones placed in front of us, also created with unsurpassable worth, we listen. No doubt, most of us could stand to learn abit about listening with interest to those around us. We learn to listen in lifeWorship, lifeGroup, lifeServe. Who is God placing in front of you who simply wants you to listen? Main Text: James 1:17-19 |
Thu, 4 February 2016
The connecting life is a serving life. Serving with the ones whom God is placing in front of us. Mingling their gifts, their passions, their interests, their styles with ours. With, not merely to or for. No paternalism allowed! We are called to co-create flourishing spaces and places with God and with those who live there. It’s more than volunteerism for the church. It’s an invitation to bountiful hope. And it’s what we mean by lifeServe. Main Text: Matthew 20:20-28 |
Wed, 27 January 2016
The connecting life is a communal life. We live life together. It’s more than a tagline, it’s a promise. More than a cute slogan or pie-in-the-sky ideal, the communal life is a beautiful mess. And it’s what we mean by lifeGroup. Main Text: Acts 2:42-47 |
Thu, 21 January 2016
The connecting life is a worshipping life. All of life is worship. From beginning to end, from daybreak to nightfall, the Jesus-following life is set apart, distinct, non-conformed life. It is a breathless invitation from the God of heaven. And, it’s what we mean by lifeWorship. Main Text: Romans 11:33-12:2 |
Thu, 14 January 2016
The engaged life is a connecting lifestyle. All of my life is connected to Jesus. Not parts, but the whole. As a result, all my relationships, and opportunities for interaction with others, are opportunities for life-giving connections. This is simple, not complex. Yet, in our compartmentalized reality, quite difficult. In fact, Jesus tells us that is impossible...on our own. It cannot be done without Jesus! Main Text: John 15:5 |
Thu, 7 January 2016
Pastor Jeff shares his "2015 Top 10 List" to help us remember what we discovered over the last 52 weeks and to help us answer the question, "What do I want to be different in 2016?" Click here to download the list> |