Thu, 26 March 2015
In the midst of Jesus telling His followers for the third time that He would be killed and raised, with even more details, they can’t seem to focus on what is at hand, and are still, STILL talking about who would be the greatest. This time, two of them ask Jesus to do whatever they ask. Maybe they thought if He said, “OK” He would be bound to give them what they want. Instead Jesus reminds them AGAIN that being concerned about yourself will get you nowhere in the kingdom, and that among those who would follow Jesus, the ordering begins with the slave of everyone. Main Text: Mark 10:35-45. |
Fri, 20 March 2015
Light is dangerous if you’re worried about others seeing you. If you use the light to navigate, you’re drawn to it, it is life. Those feeling the weight of their sin and the need for help by the power of God’s Spirit found the Savior, the Light to gravitate toward. Those too proud, unwilling to give up control, and who denied that there could be only one way scurried for the cover of darkness, either by fleeing or by trying to extinguish the light. Are you drawn to the gift? Or do the implications scare you away. Main Text: John 3:14-21 |
Tue, 10 March 2015
Have you ever returned home to find things a bit out of order? Jesus returns to His Father’s house, the Temple in Jerusalem, and sees that sacrifices have become a financial business. Those in the Temple didn’t recognize His authority, and certainly didn’t understand how He could rebuild the Temple in three days. What is God’s Temple today? Is it in order? Main Text: John 2:13-22 |
Wed, 4 March 2015
Following Jesus isn’t a spectator sport. Really following means being like Jesus. Just as Jesus willingly submits to the will of His Father, even when it is painful, we also must submit. Jesus’ call is for our whole life, every part, our understanding, our love, even our trash. We are called to submit our whole life to Him, to pick up our cross and follow Him, and He wants to set our whole life straight. Main Text: Mark 8:27-38 |